
Gonorrhea symptoms throat
Gonorrhea symptoms throat

gonorrhea symptoms throat

Symptoms resolve quickly – usually within a week. Gonorrhoea is treated effectively with antibiotics. Test results are normally available within a week. swab test – from the urethra, cervix, anus or throat.

gonorrhea symptoms throat

Having a regular sexual health check-up with your local GP (doctor) or sexual health centre can detect gonorrhoea.

  • Sexually active women who have new sexual partners or feel they are at risk of STI (because gonorrhoea may not cause symptoms until PID has already developed).
  • A man who has sex with another man (has 1 partner) – get checked once a year.
  • Men who have sex with men, and have more than 1 partner – should get checked every 3 to 6 months.
  • The frequency of these checks depends on your STI risk:


    If you are sexually active, get a full sexual health check (including tests for syphilis, HIV, gonorrhoea and chlamydia) at least once a year. Sexual health check-ups are recommended for anyone who is sexually active. How often should I get checked for gonorrhoea? The risk of infertility increases with each bout of inflammation, especially if left untreated for long periods. Women who have had PID need to be especially careful about gonorrhoea and chlamydia. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, which can cause infertility. Gonorrhoea can cause infertility in women Gonorrhoea in the throat may cause a sore throat – however, it usually occurs without symptoms.Anal gonorrhoea often occurs without signs or symptoms.In a small percentage of men there are no symptoms at all. Swelling and pain in the testicles – which can occur if the gonorrhoea infection goes untreated.White or yellow pus-like discharge from the penis (may be observed in underwear).Symptoms of gonorrhoea in men may include: Gonorrhoea commonly infects the inside of the penis (the urethra). Symptoms of gonorrhoea in women may include: This can lead to gonorrhoea going undetected for longer in women if they are not tested regularly. Often, women with gonorrhoea experience no symptoms.

    gonorrhea symptoms throat

    The symptoms of gonorrhoea are slightly different in men and women. Anyone diagnosed with an STI (such as HIV, syphilis and chlamydia).Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.Heterosexual men and women – particularly if they have multiple sexual partners, are travellers returning from countries where gonorrhoea is prevalent, or inject drugs.Female partners of men who have sex with men.Some people who are at increased risk of gonorrhoea include: It can affect anyone who has unprotected sex (without condoms) with someone who has the infection. It may cause vision loss if not rapidly and adequately treated. Gonococcal conjunctivitis (red, sore eyes) can occur in babies who have had contact with the mother’s infected birth canal during childbirth. It can also be transmitted during anal or oral sex. Gonorrhoea affects men and women and is easily transmitted during vaginal sex. It usually affects the genital area, although the throat or anus (rectum) may also be affected. Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmissible infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

    Gonorrhea symptoms throat